For Ido Portal
In the year 2012 when i was rushing to attend my first movement workshop in Shanghai little did i know that it will not only change my perception of capoeira and movement in general but also would lead to what is now almost a decade long collaboration with Ido from whom I learned so much. And yes, along the way we did draw an insane amount of…

The whole sea of monkeys, to be more precise, created over the past 8 years, depicting them in every possible and impossible pose, doing all sort of things.

Below I want to share a few process sketches. These are just a few examples of how every illustration or visual for an event starts like. See if you can reverse engineer some of them.

Many of these designs have been featured in our promotional material and I’m sure you’ve seen them all over social media.

Some of the most recent designs for the main movement event of every year.

Thanks for watching!