Gravity poster Design, Illustration, ProcessAndreyJanuary 10, 2014alternative, design, gravity, illustrator, movie, poster, texture, vector
Design Renegade Design, InspirationAndreyDecember 30, 2013inspiration, James, signalnoise, talk, white
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Design, LetteringAndreyDecember 26, 2013christmas, hand lettering, new year, typography
Zontik iOS app- minimalistic weather report App Design, Design, Process, Web DesignAndreyDecember 19, 2013app, design, dieter, interface, iOS, minimalistic, rams, report, simple, Ui, weather
Design Marathon (Day 25) - AQI 500 in China Design, Design marathon, Illustration, LogosAndreyDecember 14, 2013500, air quality, aqi, bad, china, Design marathon, pollution
Qualita - get ready to ship Design, Logos, ProcessAndreyNovember 27, 2013business card, design, golden ratio, golden rule, logo, q, qualita, Ui, user interface, vi, web design, website
KchatAP - logo design Design, Logos, ProcessAndreyNovember 4, 2013asia, chat-, design, education, kchatap, kids, kindergarten, less is more, logo, minimal, pacific, process
Tea Lion 茶狮 (Китайский чай и танец льва) - logo design Design, Logos, ProcessAndreyOctober 30, 2013dance, design, less is more, lion, logo, shop, tea, китайский чай, танец льва
Neil Gaiman - "Make Good Art" speech Design, InspirationAndreyOctober 13, 2013Art, gaiman, good, make, neil
Jimi Hendrix illustration Design, IllustrationAndreyOctober 12, 20133200, film, grain, hendrix, Ilford, illustration, jimi, noise, rock, scan
Antique shop 若水藏真 - visual identity design Design, Logos, ProcessAndreyOctober 4, 2013antique, business card, hangzhou, knick-knack, letterpress, shop, sign, vi
Manjiela - concept logo design Design, Logos, ProcessAndreySeptember 24, 2013cordyceps, design, identity, logo, manjiela, process, tibet, vi, visual, лого
Design Marathon (Day 23) - the Dude Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyJuly 23, 2013ai, design, dude, lebowski, marathon, movie, poster, the, vector
"Red Barn Party" - poster and postcard design. Design, IllustrationAndreyJuly 4, 2013barn, conrad, design, minimal, minimalistic, party, postcard, poster, red
Design Marathon (Day 22) - Star Trek poster Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyJuly 2, 2013beam, blue, design, illustrator, light, marathon, minimalistic, photoshop, poster, space, star trek, texture, trail
Design Marathon (Day 21) - Swiss Airlines Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyJune 24, 2013airlines, brand, branding, design, international, logo, look, marathon, restyling, swiss
Wymaroo brand development Design, Logos, ProcessAndreyJune 2, 2013branding, identity, process, vi, wymaroo
Design Marathon (Day 20) - Hovercrafts Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyMay 22, 2013design, hovercraft, illustration, marathon, sketch
Design Marathon (Day 19) - Dead Calm Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyMay 12, 2013calm, dead, design, marathon, poster, surfer