Design Marathon (Day 22) - Star Trek poster
It's been a busy week around here, with all the graduation activities and paper procedures. (Graduation photo post is coming pretty soon, need to process the film first). Here is a small poster I made on my free time in the past couple of days.I'm happy to announce my self-initiated "Star Trek Into Darkness" poster. Loved the movie, what a great vibe! When I saw the last scene, I thought: "That is totally gonna end up as a poster." So here it is!This time I challenged myself to use as less elements as possible and keep everything very simple. I limited the color palette to 3 colors as well.

Played around and made a vintage, more minimalistic variant of the same poster:

Super rough first idea sketches, as you can see I ended up forming a Starfleet emblem out of Enterprise engine trails:

More detailed shots:

Basic Illustrator shapes: