Somehow this very important project has vanished when I redesigned my website, well it gave me a chance to make an even better walkthrough, enjoy.My capoeira camarada - Paulo runs Qualita company in Hanzgou, China. With a help of his colleges he assists small companies in doing safe business with Chinese suppliers and factories. I was in charge of the design department.
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My client was talking to his business partners and said:"We need a professional logo like Qualita's logo: STRONG, SIMPLE, GOOD LOOKING, SOLID, NEW/NOT OLD. Paulo, how did you get such a good logo ?"
Here is how.
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Qualita business card with a glossy finishing. Less is more.Now for the very first time I'm revealing a secret behind the STRONG "Q". I was looking through many fonts and tried to find the one that suits best for the task, however all of them just didn't feel right... then I decided to take a break and watch a movie.
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Yes, Qulita's logo was developed around the Terminator font. I tweaked the letter "Q" a bit and made the symbol more balanced.
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Super SOLID look was achieved by applying the Golden Ration rule to business card layout design. Instant impression for potential clients: "We Rock!"
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To tell you the truth I was really into another idea on the early stages of the project, let me explain:
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This GIF below makes me so tranquil, I can watch it all day. AaaarrghHH! Pipe all hands on deck!! Arrrghh!
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After that crazy idea was shelved we started developing the Qualita Store.
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A very first design doodle of the "Qualita store".
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The wireframe.
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Bells and whistles.
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