From Russia with love Design, IllustrationAndreyFebruary 21, 2015art print, ice, icon, illustration, logo, merlion, red square, russia, singapore, vector
"Making It" documentary InspirationAndreyFebruary 5, 2015documentary, film, inspiration, making it, makingit
Clara Clayton Canyon Design, Illustration, Process, VehiclesAndreyJanuary 26, 2015Art, back to the future, bttf3, btw, delorean, green, illustration, print
Meat popsicle Design, Illustration, VehiclesAndreyJanuary 18, 20155th element, art print, fifth element, illustrator, multipass, orange, taxi, vector, vehicle, yellow
Lion Dance - revised logo Design, Logos, ProcessAndreyJanuary 4, 2015lion dance, logo, tea, tea lion, танец льва
Mangham Gaxiola website design Design, Web DesignAndreyDecember 7, 2014ink, manghamgaxiola, mg, particles, webdesign
Featured on InspirationAndreySeptember 19, 2014featured, guitarplayer, hendrix, jimi, tribute, website
Brazil World Cup - poster design Design, Illustration, ProcessAndreyAugust 14, 20142014, brazil, design, football, poster, soccer, square, turntable, world cup
Praxis Martial Arts - logo design Design, Logos, ProcessAndreyJuly 13, 2014design, group, logo, martial art, process, vi, visual identity
Instigar - surf brand logo design Design, Lettering, Logos, ProcessAndreyFebruary 19, 2014angel, company, development, hardcore, instigar, logo, process, rebel, surf, surfing, wave