Clara Clayton Canyon Design, Illustration, Process, VehiclesAndreyJanuary 26, 2015Art, back to the future, bttf3, btw, delorean, green, illustration, print
Meat popsicle Design, Illustration, VehiclesAndreyJanuary 18, 20155th element, art print, fifth element, illustrator, multipass, orange, taxi, vector, vehicle, yellow
Brazil World Cup - poster design Design, Illustration, ProcessAndreyAugust 14, 20142014, brazil, design, football, poster, soccer, square, turntable, world cup
Gravity poster Design, Illustration, ProcessAndreyJanuary 10, 2014alternative, design, gravity, illustrator, movie, poster, texture, vector
Suzhou museum China, Illustration, Inspiration, PhotographyAndreyDecember 14, 2013star chart, stars, sutra, suzhou, Tangka
Design Marathon (Day 25) - AQI 500 in China Design, Design marathon, Illustration, LogosAndreyDecember 14, 2013500, air quality, aqi, bad, china, Design marathon, pollution
Jimi Hendrix illustration Design, IllustrationAndreyOctober 12, 20133200, film, grain, hendrix, Ilford, illustration, jimi, noise, rock, scan
Mestre Bimba - sketch Illustration, SketchAndreySeptember 2, 2013bimba, capoeira, illustration, mestre, sketch, sketchbook
Design Marathon (Day 23) - the Dude Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyJuly 23, 2013ai, design, dude, lebowski, marathon, movie, poster, the, vector
"Red Barn Party" - poster and postcard design. Design, IllustrationAndreyJuly 4, 2013barn, conrad, design, minimal, minimalistic, party, postcard, poster, red
Design Marathon (Day 22) - Star Trek poster Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyJuly 2, 2013beam, blue, design, illustrator, light, marathon, minimalistic, photoshop, poster, space, star trek, texture, trail
Design Marathon (Day 21) - Swiss Airlines Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyJune 24, 2013airlines, brand, branding, design, international, logo, look, marathon, restyling, swiss
Design Marathon (Day 20) - Hovercrafts Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyMay 22, 2013design, hovercraft, illustration, marathon, sketch
Design Marathon (Day 19) - Dead Calm Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyMay 12, 2013calm, dead, design, marathon, poster, surfer
Design Marathon (Day 17) Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyApril 29, 2013Concept, design, hovercraft, marathon, vehicle
Design Marathon (Day 16) Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyApril 26, 2013Art, design, marathon, pixel, sworcery, sword
Design Marathon (Day 9) Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyMarch 27, 2013bike, design, Honda, illustration, joker, marathon
for Akira Kurosawa Design, IllustrationAndreyMarch 24, 20137, akira, anime, ink, kurosawa, monochrome, poster, samurai, seve, texture
Design Marathon (Day 5) Design, Design marathon, IllustrationAndreyMarch 21, 2013derezzed, design, illustration, marathon, tron, uprising