Metafora - logo design Design, LogosAndreyFebruary 23, 2019black and white, brush, design, esoteric, ink, logo, minimalistic, strokes
Album cover art for Taipei Qin Hall - 臺北琴道舘. Design, IllustrationAndreyNovember 29, 2018album, black and white, cover, dao, emptiness, Guqin, illustration, monochrome, print, Taipei, tao, taoism, texture, vinyl, woodblock, yuanzhongping, 古琴, 设计
Cozy sweater Design, IllustrationAndreyAugust 30, 2018black and white, cozy, fashion, fuzzy, illustration, ink, monochrome, sweater, winter
Cross legged Design, IllustrationAndreyApril 10, 2018black and white, cross legged, fashion, girl, illustration, ink, monochrome
AmanFaYun, Hangzhou China, PhotographyAndreyApril 22, 20133-5, aman, amanfayun, b&w, black and white, F, film, Ilford, Photo, photography, rollei, rolleiflex, XP2, 法云