Recently I’ve got the first silkscreen experience while making a T-shirt design for the Capoeira hangzhou group. The process is really interesting especially with the Chinese worker’s creativity tending to cut manufacturing costs by any means. Have a look…Printing our design on a transparent plastic paper.
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Preparing the “silk screen”.
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After the wax is completely dry we need to “burnout” our design from the waxed silk screen. On the picture: The guy is putting our design and the screen on top of UV lamps.
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Then he said: “Actually this kind of light is a bit dangerous so I’d better cover the whole thing with my coat… ”
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Washing out the wax from the “burned” spots. Making a stencil…
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White spots – no wax.
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Using the pressurized water jet to reveal a very thin lines.
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They use chopsticks to stir the paint.
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Drying again and covering unwanted spots with a sticky tape.
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Defining the place of our design on T–shirt.
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